
We have received awesome feedback from course participants (including an expert on course building!) and are working to update the course for future release. Those currently enrolled will continue to have access to the original version as we conduct these improvements. When the refreshed course is released, previous registrants will be granted access to this new iteration. If you'd like to be updated on our progress, please make sure you are signed up for our mailing list at aikidoideaproject.com/newsletters

Thank you for all your support and stay tuned for our next phase!

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Who Are We?

    3. Body Scan

    4. Window of Tolerance

    5. Action - Reflection

    6. Outro

    7. Resources

    1. Why is representation important?

    2. Grounding - Breathing

    3. Representation - Shawn

    4. Privilege

    5. An Intersectional Issue

    6. Action - Survey: Who is on your mat?

    7. Outro

    8. Resources

    1. What is inclusivity?

    2. Grounding - Near, Middle, Far

    3. Everyone is Welcome

    4. What Does it Mean to Belong?

    5. A Queer Meeting

    6. Action- Write/Review Your Inclusivity Statement

    7. Outro

    8. Resources

    1. What is diversity?

    2. Grounding - Cross Vagal Activation

    3. I Come From...

    4. Code Switching

    5. Action - Survey: Why Aikido?

    6. Outro

    7. Resources

    1. What is equity?

    2. Grounding - Silent Meditation and Holistic Check-in

    3. Know Your Bias

    4. Examples of Equity

    5. Action - Breaking down financial barriers

    6. Outro

    7. Resources

    1. What is accessibility?

    2. Grounding - Find It

    3. Accessibility Examples

    4. Action- Make a Welcome Protocol

    5. Outro

    6. Resources

About this course

  • 45 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Enrollment options

While the suggested donation for this course is $50, we invite those of you who can pay more to do so. Hundreds of hours of work over the past three years went into the creation of this course, in addition to lifetimes of lived experience. Your contribution helps further our shared ultimate goal: a more inclusive and welcoming art.

If the price is a barrier to entry, we have included a reduced cost offering. We simply ask that you be mindful when selecting this option. If the reduced price is still a barrier, please contact us at [email protected].

If you would like to contribute more, you may do so through our non-profit sponsor, Seattle Aikikai.

Specific shifts and updates for the future include but are not limited to: closed captioning • host platform upgrade • adding a robust sliding scale • paid guest content contributors • media editing • better video quality • assessments to inform changes • ongoing additions/edits to resource list